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A strange tail

heyA 27 years on man in India claims that he is the incarnation of the Hindu monkey god Hanuman.
Chandre Oram's claim is supported by his 13 inch tail. No, seriously. Dailytimes and DailyTelegraph.

Tucked away in a hamlet in Banarhat, over 650km north of Kolkata, the state Capital, devotees wait for hours to see or touch Oraon's 35cm tail, believing that it has healing powers.
He said: "People have a lot of faith in me. They are cured of severe ailments when they touch my tail. I believe I can do a lot of good to those who come to me with devotion."

So basically what we have here is a god who's back as a man to heal the sick with a magic monkey tail. I don't know about you, but if people have to stroke his tail for magical things to happen, he's doing it the hard way.

Doctors say that it is a congenital anomaly, which means it is structural defects present at birth. Wikipedia has this to say.

Sadly, this man is probably at best an self-deceiver or worst, a con artist.


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